Rabu, 24 Desember 2008

Genus and Article in German

The Germans think that all of things in this world has gender, not only human. They use der for masculine, sie for feminine and es for neutral. So, der Mann (the man), die Frau (the woman) and das Kind (the child). Things ; der Tisch (the table), die Tasche (the bag), das Haus (the house).

This is the way how to differentiate the genus of things in German :
1.Masculine for the things that has character strong, tough and long.
der Tisch (the table), der Schrank (the cupboard), der Kugelschreiber (the pen)
2.Masculine is most Nouns, that derivated from Verb and doesn't have an ending.
blicken (to see) - der Blick (the view)
grüssen (to greet) - der Gruss (greetings)
3.Masculine is for the nouns whose ending -er, -or, -ig, -ling, -ant, -ologe, -and, -ismus, -ent.
der Schüler (the school students), der Direktor (the director), der Käfig (the cage), der Frühling (spring), der Teologe (the teology person), der Nationalismus, der Präsident (the president)

1. Things that have character soft, weak.
2. Things that have ending -e, ei, heit, -keit, ie, ik, in, ion, -ität, -schaft, -ung.

1. Things that have ending -chen, -lein, -ment, -um.
2. Things that derivated from verb in infinitive.
3. Some foreign nouns.

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