Kamis, 18 Desember 2008

Mengajar Les Privat bahasa Jerman

Well, I am a scholar, but I teach german privately. Why? It's just because I like it. I used to work as secretary in some companies in Sudirman Street, the prestigious business area in Jakarta. But I was not fit for that job, so after working a couple months, I resigned. And it happened some times. While working, I still taught privately at evening and I enjoyed it. I do it until today, though the income doesn't fix. But enough for proper life.

Although I teach individually, I teach with qualified teaching methodology and certain syllabus. Most of my students got good remarks in proficiency german exams, both in Indonesia and in Germany. I arrange the syllabus by myself, but refer the exams in Goethe-Institut Jakarta. I have more than 1 cupboard of teaching materials. Besides, we have internet that provide many informations, including teaching german. Although I should select them carefully to reach my teaching goal.

2 komentar:

  1. hai mba... salam kenal... aku juga lulusan UNJ, satu fakultas juga, tapi beda jurusan, aku bahasa indonesia. oia, bagi2 tips bazarnya dong mba... kalo festival menteng menurut mba gimana?

  2. Hai ana, salam kenal juga. Trims yah, sudah kunjungi blog saya ini. Festival Menteng sih sepertinya gak bagus-bagus amat. Meski tempatnya di daerah elit. Orang elit mana mau keluar rumah, sekalinya belanja, ya di singapura sekalian. Kemungkinan yang belanja adalah menengah ke bawah. Berapa kali saya ikut basar di daerah elit, tapi yang datang yah mereka-mereka ini. Bukan mendiskriminasi, artinya kita harus siap dengan barang yang 'murmer' kalau mau ada omset.
