Minggu, 19 Juli 2009

Museum Bank Mandiri

Museum Bank Mandiri located in Kota Tua region, Jakarta.

Bank Mandiri exhibits old banking equippment and old money and featuring the banking operation in the past. The objects on the display include various safe deposit boxes, bonds, vaults, mechanical calculating machines and so on.

The museum building itself is interesting in terms of the architectural side, such as the mosaic pattern of the floor, the stained glasse and the big poles to support the 4-storey building.

Lobby depan Museum Bank Mandiri.

Kaca Patri Jendela Museum Bank Mandiri.

Artinya kurang lebih :
Bingkai ini dirancang dan dibangun oleh F.H. Abbing.

Museum Bank Mandiri terletak di Kota Tua, Jakarta Barat. Di Museum Bank Mandiri ini kita bisa melihat peralatan perbankan di jaman dahulu kala dan juga uang kuno.

Situasi di dalam museum ini dibuat seperti suasana bank di jaman tersebut. Obyek yang dipamerkan adalah macam-macam kotak deposit, giro, ruang penyimpanan, alat-alat hitung jadoel, dll.

Bangunan museumnya juga keren banget dari segi arsitekturnya. Perhatikan pola-pola mosaik yang ada di lantai dan kaca patri seperti yang saya tampilkan di sini. Juga pilar-pilar yang menyangga bangunan 4 lantai ini.

Sabtu, 11 Juli 2009

Ih, kamu ngorok . . .

Banyak orang yang tidur dengan suara atau istilahnya ngorok. Tentu ini mengganggu orang yang tidur bersamanya, walaupun orang yang mengorok ini tidak menyadari. Di bawah ini ada artikel yang mudah-mudahan bisa bermanfaat. Ditulis dalam bahawa Inggris, tetapi terdapat terjemahannya.

Sleep Apnea is a common medical disorder that impacts millions of people during their sleep with breathing pauses or shallow breathing. Breathing can be interrupted and paused anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. People with sleep apnea will frequently feel unrefreshed from sleep and experience excessive drowsiness during the day. Often times, the person with sleep apnea may not even suspect symptoms until their sleeping partner starts to complain about their snoring, nighttime restlessness and other annoying symptoms.

Sleep Apnea adalah gangguan medis pernapasan selama tidur yang mengganggu jutaan orang. Misalnya berhenti bernafas atau seperti orang ngos-ngosan selama beberapa menit. Orang yang menderita sleep apnea sering kali merasa tidak segar saat bangun tidur dan sering kehausan di siang hari. Sering kali penderita tidak menyadari hal ini, sampai orang yang tidur dengannya mengeluh karena terganggu dengan suara ngorok mereka. Ya iyalah, tidurnya kan jadi gak tenang.

Di bawah ini adalah cara-cara untuk mengenali dan membantu bagi penderita sleep apnea.

1. Seriously listen to a sleeping partner's concerns about your excessive snoring, arm/limb movements, nighttime awakenings and restlessness. It is important to not dismiss these complaints as trivial or related to another personal issue.

Dengarkan secara serius keluhan teman anda tersebut, yang merasa terganggu dengan ngorok anda yang sudah keterlaluan, gerakan tangan refleks saat tidur, bangun tengah malam dan tidak bisa istirahat. Ini penting, jangan sampai anda menganggap teman anda hanya bawel dan tidak suka terhadap anda.

2. Review your typical energy level during an average day. While everyone has on "off" day now and then, people with sleep apnea tend to be chronically tired and poorly rested. Sleep should be "refreshing" the majority of the time. If yours is not, then you may want to consider talking to your healthcare provider.

Kaji ulang penggunaan energi anda pada waktu siang hari. Orang yang menderita sleep apnea biasanya cenderung merasa cape dan kurang istirahat.Tidur merupakan refreshing dan mengambil bagian yang cukup besar dari waktu yang ada. Jika tidak, sebaiknya segera periksa ke dokter.

3. Consider asking your healthcare provider to order a sleep study, a simple, non-invasive test that monitors various physiological parameters of your sleeping pattern. Most sleep studies are done in a sleep clinic that provides a private, motel-like room. They are not done in a hospital bed. You simply show up at the scheduled time and do your regular nighttime routine and go to sleep (a technician will place some monitor pads on you much like EKG pads which are fairly innocuous).

Pertimbangkan untuk mengikuti pengujian waktu tidur anda di rumah sakit. Tunjukkan kapan waktu anda tidur, lalu tidur seperti biasa. Seorang teknisi akan menempatkan sejumlah alat seperti layaknya pemeriksaaan EKG (untuk mengetahui kesehatan jantung) dalam hal ini akan memberitahukan pola tidur anda.

4. If the sleep study does confirm the diagnosis of sleep apnea there are several treatment options ranging from using a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) mask at night to medications and even surgery. The CPAP masks of the past have been replaced with much easier and more comfortable models. Also, the medication Nuvigial has recently been approved by the FDA for people with diagnosed sleep apnea to help combat excessive daytime drowsiness and other related conditions.

Jika penelitian tersebut menunjukkan adanya gangguan pada tidur, terdapat beberapa terapi dengan menggunakan masker CPAP (Continous Positive Airway Pressure) = Tekanan Aliran Udara Positif dan Terus Menerus pada malam hari untuk penyembuhan atau bisa jadi dengan tindakan bedah. Ada juga pemberian obat-obatan untuk mengatasi rasa haus selama siang hari dan kondisi serupa.

Communicate With Your Guides

Lima cara berkomunikasi dengan "pembimbing spiritual"

Have you ever had a song stuck in your head? Sometimes it's something you heard on the way to work, or sometimes it seems to arrive from nowhere. Ever wonder where it came from? It may just be your spirit guide (perhaps a grandparent or friend who has passed on) communicating with you. They may want to alert you to something or get you to acknowledge something you may be ignoring. Many of us feel like the spirit world is far from us, rarely accessible in dreams and never accessible during waking life except through psychics. Yet this couldn't be further from the truth. Everyone was born with a spirit guide to help them grow into their potential.

Pernahkah anda merasa ada sesuatu seperti lagu yang tertanam di kepala? Kadang-kadang sesuatu terdengar saaat dalam perjalanan ke kantor atau baru tiba dari suatu tempat. Mungkin kita gak tau dari mana asalnya? Mungkin itulah "pembimbing spiritual" kita sedang mencoba berkomunikasi dengan kita. Mereka ingin mengingatkan kita pada sesuatu yang mungkin kita lupakan atau acuhkan. Banyak dari kita merasa dunia spiritual jauh dari kita, yang hanya bisa dicapai lewat mimpi dan tidak dapat dimasuki dalam keadaan sadar kecuali oleh paranormal. Ternyata hal itu tidak benar. Setiap orang dilahirkan bersamaan dengan "pembimbing spiritual"nya yang kemudian membantu mereka tumbuh menjadi sesuatu yang potensial.

Ordinary life decisions like choosing a job that pays the bills rather than following your dreams, or marrying someone for convenience, money or childbearing rather than for love, choosing to stay in your safe hometown rather than follow your desires to live in a new city… any one of these can dampen the connection between your spiritual guides and conscious mind. Try the following steps to stay connected to your guides:

Be honest
How do you begin to open those channels? First, if you have taken steps in your life that have dulled you, simply acknowledge the truth of it. The spirit lives in truth, and by speaking the truth to yourself, you've opened the door to hearing your guide again.

Tune in
Another thing to recognize is that your guide may have encouraged you in the past to do things that you thought were risky - perhaps to follow your dreams into the unknown. This may have made you unwittingly tune that information out. Tune back in by accepting that you can hear your guide and still make your own decisions, even deciding to stay stuck, if that suits you. Again, it's being honest with yourself that opens the conduit to deeper conscience and guidance.

No coincidences
As you begin to open those psychic doors, pay attention to "random" coincidences. Start looking for the underlying meaning behind the song stuck in your head, or in that vivid dream - spend time reflecting on what issue it might have brought to light. Sometimes the guidance is unmistakable if the song is, "These Boots Are Made for Walkin" and sometimes it will be more subtle. Perhaps it's a dream about a time when you faced a similar situation.

Messages from beyond
As you give your spirit guides more attention and they realize you're listening, the messages will come more frequently - in different forms and with more clarity. Dreams, epiphanies, unusual thoughts, telepathy, electrical abnormalities such as lights flickering or a radio turning itself on may be ways they are communicating with you. Spirits can also communicate through animals. If you're approached by an animal that has meaning for you, or if a butterfly alights on your shoulder or a rare bird perches on your windowsill, this may be a communication intended to encourage and reward your efforts to connect.

Write on
Start a notebook where you can jot down these occurrences. Add any insights or intuition that hits you when you think about them. Keep a record of how you have applied what you've learned to your everyday life. You'll be surprised when you look back at what you have learned! Also, if you are getting a psychic reading, ask your spirit guides to join you.

Don't hesitate, the best guidance and the most profound wisdom is available to you through your own heart and the help of a spirit guide.